National MI University presents: A Business Plan to Increase Sales Win Rate? YES! with Kendra Lee

10am (PT)
For over a year, you’ve watched your sales process grow longer and more uncertain. Leads reach out months before they’re ready to fill out a mortgage application. Market forces, like high interest rates and a squeezed inventory, compound your problems. It’s a constant hustle to keep leads interested while finding new prospects who are ready to start now.
Join Prospect Attraction Expert and author Kendra Lee to help you simplify the process and remove stress from your life. In this webinar, Kendra will walk you through developing strategic partner and prospect relationships to hustle less, sell more, and develop a business plan that removes uncertainty from your sales process and increases your win rate.
You will discover:
• How to reduce lead generation through strong client and partner bonds
• Five relationships to strengthen right now
• Percent of time to devote to relationship building each week
• Six ways to nurture clients and prospects
• The calculation that sets how and when you need leads to meet your goal
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Nov 15 2023

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